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How do time perspective and age influence self-control?

How do time perspective and age influence self-control?

Guadalupe Germano

Time was and is a relevant topic for people, in general, and for science in particular. Within the study on psychological time, the construct of time perspective (TP) stands out. An empirical study was carried out. The relation between TP, age and self-control was tested. More than 500 Argentines participated in the study completing self-administered questionnaires. Through different statistical analyses it was found that self-control was higher in adults than in young people; that people who had a higher level of self-control also had a higher level of future, and a lower level of present fatalistic and present hedonistic and negative past. Finally, three dimensions of TP together with age explained almost half of the variability of the self-control score indicating that psychological processing of time is key to understanding self-control ability. 

Reference: Germano, G. & Brenlla, M. E. (2022). Influencia de la Perspectiva Temporal y la Edad sobre el Autocontrol: Un Estudio en Jóvenes y Adultos de Buenos Aires. Psykhe, 31(2), 1-15.

doi: 10.30849/psinteram111 | Descarga la versión PDF del artículo

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