Job stress: what is it, how to measure it, how to intervene?

Author: Juana Patlán
Job stress is an occupational health problem in organizations, it has generated a large number of investigations and a high agreement to investigate the causes and effects it has on the physical and mental health of workers. A worker who is stressed has more illnesses, is less motivated, is less productive and has less job security. Various studies report that work stress occurs at a growing rate in almost all countries of the world, placing it as the second cause of health problems in the working population. The objectives of this book are: a) to present the theoretical-conceptual foundations to define and explain work stress; b) present the methodological foundations for measuring and evaluating work stress; c) present empirical research results; and d) present the fundamentals of coping with work stress and the bases for the development of interventions.
Patlán, P. J. (2021). Estrés laboral. Fundamentos teóricos, medición, investigación e intervención. Facultad de Psicología, UNAM.
doi: 10.30849/psinteram110 | Download PDF version.