Antecedents of Career success of African Migrant Workers in Europe
Author: José María Peiró
Despite the need for identifying relevant skills and competencies associated with migrants’ successful labor market integration, African migrants’ career has been underexplored. To make theoretical and practical contributions to this need, Abdi, Peiro, and Lo Presti performed a systematic literature review of antecedents of career success of African migrants in Europe. The results showed migrant workers possessing career resources relevant to the host labor market had higher career success (occupational status, finding skilled/semiskilled jobs, salary, promotion, satisfaction with their jobs, and careers). The findings also revealed that African migrants experience the most severe labor market discrimination, and barriers to access to employment and career opportunities in Europe that negatively affected their careers.
Abdi, T. A., Peiró, J. M., & Presti, A. L. (2021). Antecedents of career success of African migrant workers in Europe: A 2011–2019 systematic literature review and future research agenda. Australian Journal of Career Development, 30(3), 211-225.
doi: 10.30849/psinteram110 | Download PDF version.