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Cognitive closure and adherence to gender role ideology

Cognitive closure and adherence to gender role ideology

Paula Florencia Ferrero

The aim of the research was to analyze the relationship between the need for cognitive closure, understood as the subjects’ motivation to seek and maintain a response to an ambiguous situation, and gender role ideology, which refers to a prejudicial attitude based on the supposed inferiority of women. Older and less educated men presented greater adherence to the prejudiced attitude about the inferiority of women as a group. It is concluded that subjects with greater discomfort with ambiguity, narrow-mindedness and urgency for closure have greater adherence to ideologies that sustain the difference between genders. 

Reference: Jaume, L. C., Roca, M. A., Ferrero, P. F., Azzollini, S. C. (2022). La influencia de la necesidad de cierre cognitivo en la adhesión a la ideología del rol de género. Revista Científica Arbitrada de la Fundación MenteClara, Vol. 7 (314).

doi: 10.30849/psinteram111 | Descarga la versión PDF del artículo

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  1. PSICOLOGÍA INTERAMERICANA / INTERAMERICAN PSYCHOLOGY 111 | Psicología Interamericana / Interamerican Psychology - […] Cognitive closure and adherence to gender role ideology  […]
  2. PSICOLOGÍA INTERAMERICANA / INTERAMERICAN PSYCHOLOGY 111 | Psicología Interamericana / Interamerican Psychology - […] Cognitive closure and adherence to gender role ideology  […]

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