Educating the gifted in Brazil: analysis from a learning-resource perspective

Solange Muglia Wechsler
Gifted education in Brazil presents some characteristics due to the reality of South American countries. This study aims to describe the current situation of the programs for the gifted in Brazil from the Education and Learning Capital Model (ELCM) perspective. The procedure utilized was the analysis of documents and publications andan online survey. The participants were 51 educators and psychologists (84% F) fromdifferent Brazilian regions, ages 28 to 69 (Mean¼ 40), working in private (40%), public institutions (90%), and non-governmental organizations (10%). The results indicated positive aspects of exogenous learning capitals reflected in legislation that guarantees rights at the Federal, State, and Municipal spheres for gifted children and special programs at universities for high school and college students. However, there are main challenges from the endogenous Learning Resource, which focus on academic skills and disregard other aspects of physical health. Political discontinuities and societal myths block the advancement of programs for the Brazilian gifted, so information to clarify these children’s rights in society is a priority.
Wechsler, S. M., Pereira, V. L., & Delou, M. C. (2024). Educating the gifted in Brazil: analysis from a learning-resource perspective. Cogent Education, 11(1), 2327761. https://doi.org/10.1080/2331186X.2024.2 327761
Contact: wechsler@puc-campinas.edu.br Solange Muglia Wechsle