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Ibero-American Echoes of Psycho-oncology

Ibero-American Echoes of Psycho-oncology

Ester Daniel (Direction and Compilation), Argentina

The cancer patient shakes us and surprises us, both in the link of his life with the disease and also in his possibility of inner work and subjective changes.
Ecos is an invitation to convergence with rigorous concepts. Also to share experiences, experiences of practice and personal reflections. The only common pivot on which the chapters are based is a humanistic, ecosystemic, relational and integral perspective. Training in psycho-oncology refers to formative instances that go far beyond the mere conceptualization of a nosological entity and a being crossed by the uncertainty that pathology entails. Experiencing the different moments of the cancer disease process dramatically reflects an inexhaustible range of vulnerabilities that can be extrapolated to other disease conditions and therefore a working model par excellence to deepen them.
The real reason for the birth of this compilation is the collective intention to inspire, to ask, to share different ways of exercising, to broaden the gaze, to feel our vocation, to offer our legacy.

The route of the different chapters follows the path of affections, teachers, patients, peers, gratitude for being close.
Modules: Bases of Psycho-oncology | Disease process | Psychological Interventions | End of life | Healthcare equipment | Experiences that inspire |

Professional: María de los A. Minatel, María T. Veit, María D. Hernández, Esther Sánchez, Lizardo G. Hernández, Tania Estapé, Marilyn Toledo, María D. Trill, Regina P. Liberato, Enrique Bazako, Margarita Dubourdieu, Daniela P. Rojas, Juan M. Saldaña, Silvia Blejer, Leticia A. Huertas, Andrea Poc, Ana Marquis, Alicia Taliercio, Andrea Ortiz, Rita Macieira, Jorge Dureaume, Vilma Tripodoro, Ester Daniel

Ecos Iberoamericanos de la Psicooncología  Edited by Psicolibro, prologue by María Die Trill and preliminary words by Analía Losada and Mario Bruno.

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